Guys, RollerCon 2019 Was The Sh*t!

Just getting settled back into Flint, Michigan from spending a whole week or so with the best people in the world, roller derby weirdos!
I did a class a day, everyday, for 4 days at RollerCon at the Westgate in Las Vegas, Nevada. Each class was fun as shit and full of great people who loved to get bendy and swear. Much to my surprise, each day I was pulled over by people who took my class to let me know that they loved it or they shared an outside of class experience. Here are a few:
"You ruined regular yoga for me."
Yeah, I warned ya! This person confided in me that they took Sailor's Mouth Yoga, then the next day, went to a different yoga class and had to leave because they were giggling about twerking in downward dog. It's okay, it happens, that's why each of my classes comes with a warning.
"We were stuck in an elevator, and Sailor's Mouth Yoga helped us stay calm."
Wow! This story was unexpected, but I am so glad that leading an elevator full of people in a forward bend "fuck" kept everyone calm while they were rescued an hour later. It seems that when you are in a stressful situation, just taking a moment to realize that it's out of your control at the moment and just breathe while calmly busting out the mother of all swear words can help.
"Fucka Fucka Fucka Fucka Fucka" *to the tune of La Macarena*
This will forever be in your head. When you hear the Macarena at the next wedding you go to, you will bust out the fucking Macarena like no body's business. Or, as one person let me know, you will be humming it during your daily life while doing transfers at the airport.
I'm so glad that others really dug our swearing yoga and what we were putting down at RollerCon. I never really truly know how our swearing yoga goes over at events. I totally understand that it's not for everyone, and that's a-okay. But, it is really nice to know that there a few weirdos in the world that love to get bent. We will be back for RollerCon 2020!